Luca Degano
Italian Designer for Furniture
I’m Luca Degano, an italian designer, for work but above all for passion.
Where does all this come from?
Since childhood I was intrigued by the possibility of creating objects starting from simple and elementary forms, to get mostly abstract but at the same time incredibly captivating things.
Even, the course of studies was influenced by my curiosity for shapes, leading me to enroll in the Technical Institute for Surveyors in Udine.
The real turning point came when I was at University of Architecture (Udine).
There I discovered a world with I’m in love still today: 3D modelling.
Thanks to this technique I could finally give life at all the objects that, until that moment, were only in my mind.
This had parmitted to me to study, experience and realize all of what today is my work: I’m talking about interior design and product design.
Since 2016, in fact, I have been dealing with interior design at Deide SRL, a design studio linked mainly to the beauty and spa world.
In 2019, the date on wich I took an integral part of study by becoming a partner, our service has been ampliated also to world of home, office and commercial.
But what about product design?
I started in 2013, when I’ve senting my first project to a furniture company that immediatly appreciated it so much that it was put on sale within its site and its partner sites.
From that moment the list of prodcuts designed by me is in constantly evolving, enriching itself from time to time with new shapes and new concepts.
So I decided to collect the best ones and present them to you within this portfolio.
My goal is to offer the end user a product that can somehow improve his life and that can satisfy him qualitatively.
I propose new objects, with a new and refined shape, always remaining faithful to the concept that has always accompanied me:
The real beauty is semplicity.
Luca Degano